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* From £5 per month for up to £100,000 is an example based on the following pricing illustrations.£5 per month Life Insurance quoted rates are based on level term life cover for non-smokers with no pre-existing medical conditions or other high risk factors. Individual factors and medical underwriting will be assessed which may vary the premium and sum assured you are eligible for or may result in you being declined. Correct as on 7th February 2025.
£117,810 over 20 years - 30 year old born in 1995 (Aviva)
£75,745 over 20 years - 35 years old born in 1990 (Aviva)
£56,577 over 15 years - 40 year old born in 1985 (Aviva)
£35,960 over 15 years - 45 year old born in 1980 (Aviva)
£26,787 over 10 years - 50 year old born in 1975 (Aviva)
£17,018 over 10 years - 55 year old born in 1970 (Aviva)
£10,115 over 10 years - 60 year old born in 1965 (Aviva)
£6,181 over 10 years - 65 year old born in 1960 (Aviva)
£3,746 over 10 years - 70 year old born in 1955 (Aviva)
* From £10 per month for up to £300,000 is an example based on the following pricing illustrations. £10 per month Life Insurance quoted rates are based on level term life cover for non-smokers with no pre-existing medical conditions or other high risk factors. Individual factors and medical underwriting will be assessed which may vary the premium and sum assured you are eligible for or may result in you being declined. Correct as on 7th February 2025.
£322,952 over 20 years - 30 year old born in 1995 (Aviva)
£197,619 over 20 years - 35 years old born in 1990 (Aviva)
£159,606 over 15 years - 40 year old born in 1985 (Aviva)
£92,280 over 15 years - 45 year old born in 1980 (Aviva)
£67,652 over 10 years - 50 year old born in 1975 (Aviva)
£37,971 over 10 years - 55 year old born in 1970 (Aviva)
£20,242 over 10 years - 60 year old born in 1965 (Aviva)
£12,368 over 10 years - 65 year old born in 1960 (Aviva)
£7,497 over 10 years – 70 year old born in 1955 (Aviva)
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The brokers we work with provide a comparison service from a panel of some of the UKs top insurers, such as: AIG, L&G, LV, Aviva & Zurich. Not every broker works with all insurers listed here.
Please note that some of the brokers we work with may not provide quotes from all of the insurers featured on our website.
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